How I found my purpose as an agilist (and how you can find yours)
"From where do you source the energy to get out of bed every day and go to work?" In the spirit of opening my heart first and showing...
How I found my purpose as an agilist (and how you can find yours)
How to stop DOing agile and start BEing agile
Psychological safety; how to get it and what to do if you haven't got it
7 dysfunctions of agile coaching conversations
The agile expert vrs the agile coach; why we need both
BEING vrs. DOING agile; a false argument
Things NOT to do if you want to “hold the space”
The Responsive Agile Coaching Model: 4 Moves to Success
Why agile coaches should practice consulting
Expert v. Coach: The important difference and necessity of each
Agile coaching through emotional resistance to change
3 responses to every agile question
Are you an Agile Expert?
Do we still need the Agile coach?